The Best Tips For Better Pub Machine Revenue

There's a common misconception that a pub's revenue comes solely from selling drinks, but pub gaming machines have been found to raise a bar's profits by up to 30%. Let's look at how your pub can benefit from investing in the tradition of pub gaming.

What Are They?

These machines are known as AWP, an award with a prize, machines, and are slot machines that provide players with entertainment and a possible payout. Users will occasionally earn a monetary prize or a small token, and the frequency of winning is based largely on luck. Thanks to the frequency at which these machines are designed to let players win, you can be certain that your AWP machine will draw in much more money than it costs.

It's All About Location

You want to draw players into playing your pub gaming machines, so be sure to place the games in welcoming areas. Make sure the bar stays within sight of the player, but keep it far enough away that non-playing patrons won't crowd the area and discourage people from playing.

Encourage Players

Frequent machine players can easily spend an extra €100 or more per month, so shouldn't they get more attention than the average patron who only buys food and drinks? Congratulate players on their wins while sympathizing with their losses to keep them invested in playing the machines.

Watch Your Machines

Be sure to monitor your machines to understand the common peaks in their usage, to know when there's an issue with the machine functioning properly and to catch any potential security issues. This will ensure that your machines are running efficiently and safely at all times.

Keep Things Entertaining

Even the most dedicated players won't use the same game indefinitely, so cycle out old machines with new games to keep things fun. Machines should be on a roughly 15 week rotation to both allow players to get comfortable with each machine and to keep the experience fresh.

Buy From the Right People

Nobody wants to deal with a vendor who's unprofessional or sells shoddy machines, so make sure you're only working with a reliable supplier. If you're a tenant of a larger pub's brand, then your company will likely offer a licensing agreement with a list of potential vendors. Use this list to determine which companies are reputable and can reliably be worked with.

Assign Tasks to Staff

The everyday pub owner or licensee will already be extremely busy before using AWP machines, so assign staff to oversee this new addition to your pub. Task manager-level employees with the task list above to ensure that your machines are receiving proper oversight without eating up your valuable time.

Use Machines Wisely

By using the above tips and information, your pub can easily incorporate AWP machines into its business model. By responsibly investing in pub gaming machines, any licensee or owner can turn a profit with these games of chance.